Prophetess Rosemary Abercrombie is the wife of Apostle John T. Abercrombie, Jr. She is the mother of five children, John, Porcha, Ashle, Angel & Joshua and the grandmother of five.
She is firm in her belief that the family is her first ministry and stands on the Word of God, which declares, “If a man knows not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God” (I Timothy 3:5). She is careful to guard this area “as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
Prophetess Abercrombie ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit with authority and demonstration of God’s power. Her great compassion allows her to minister to women of all ages in addition to working in ministry with her husband. Together they minister healing and reconciliation mightily to all in need of spiritual guidance with signs and wonders following their knowledge and faith in the Word of God.
She has an awesome unction in the area of prayer, which is evident in all that she does. She has answered the call of intercession by “praying in the spirit and praying with understanding” (Luke 18:1). This faithfulness has earned her a Ph.D….(Praying to Him Diligently) in Kneeology and explicates God’s grace upon her to teach His people to pray effectively.
Prophetess Rosemary Abercrombie diligently practices perfecting order in her life and believing “all things should be done decently and in order” ( I Corinthians 14:40). Prophetess Abercrombie unmistakably recognizes that no flesh should glory in His presence” and is always looking to give God all the glory for what He has done; therefore, she only desires to be an arrow pointing toward Jesus.